Black Agate Worry Stone - Black Agate is a highly protective & grounding gemstone. It has a natural ability to bring a calming sense of peace to the holder. This is a very helpful stone for helping those who need to work through bereavement, by providing inner strength & courage. It also helps the user stay focused in the face of difficult times when they need to make decisions with difficult people. If you have a tendency to allow others to walk all over you, this is the gemstone for your. Physically, Black Agate provides anti-aging qualities & alleviates aches & pains in the bones, joints, neck, & shoulders.
Worry Stones are an effective way to work out stress during trying times. The stones create a focal point for subconscious energy to dissipate within the stone. You rub it when you are stressed & anxious or dealing with difficult situations & people.
Chakra: Root
Astrology Sign: Capricorn
Please Note: color & size vary among individual stone