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Celtic Heart Triscele Talisman

Celtic Heart Triscele Talisman

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The Celtic Heart Triscele Talisman - “The Heart Triskele” combines three very significant universal symbols; the heart, the triskele, & the circle.

It can help you find your center of compassion, love, & understanding so you can experience the wisdom of feeling.

The Triskele is a symbol which represents the unity of three. To the Celts, the number three was the most Magickal Number.

The triskele was a symbol of the Goddess in her three forms of maiden, mother, & crone; sometimes called the three Brigits.

Throughout the world, the Heart represents the Center of Being, both physical & spiritual. The heart is the home of compassion. It is the container of the life’s blood.

The Circle is the symbol of Totality, Wholeness, & Perfection. It is timeless, with no beginning & no end. It is spaceless having no above or below. It is the symbol of endless motion & cycles, which define the feminine principle.

“The Heart Triskele” was uniquely designed to incorporate these three important symbols. At the center of the triskele, the endless knotwork (so favored in Celtic artwork) also forms into hearts. Wear it & send your compassionate energies out to the universe.

These designs are found in various Magical Grimoires taken from private libraries. These talismans are carefully chosen for their great powers & correctly prepared using the traditional methods of great age known only to a few skilled craftsmen.

Use your Magical Planetary Talismans with Goodness & Wisdom as they are very powerful.

Necklace is 1.5" inches diameter. Made of lead-free pewter.