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Hexagram of Solomon Talisman

Hexagram of Solomon Talisman

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Hexagram of Solomon Talisman - The Hexagram of Solomon is an ancient symbol sometimes called "the Star of David."

Solomon, the son of David & Bathsheba, the 3rd King of Israel (967 BC) was a Master Magician who had authority over all the Spirits as well as all the Birds & Beasts.

The Magical Symbol consists of two intertwining Triangles: the downward pointing triangle represents The Spirit, the Masculine, Fire, Energy. The upward pointing represents The Feminine, Water, Energy.

The Spirit descends from above toward Matter to fashion & give it Life while Matter looks upward, receptively open to Elaboration by the Spirit.

At all the points of the Hexagram & in the center are Tau Crosses that provide Protections from all directions.

This Ancient design is a Protective Talisman to ward off Negative or Evil influences & to aid in Attaining Perfection. Solomon's Seal is said to have been cut into the bezel of King Solomon's ring & can work Miracles.

These designs are found in various Magical Grimoires taken from private libraries. These talismans are carefully chosen for their great powers & correctly prepared using the traditional methods of great age known only to a few skilled craftsmen.

Use your Magical Planetary Talismans with Goodness & Wisdom as they are very powerful.

Necklace is 1.5" inches diameter. Made of lead-free pewter.