LADY LUCK'S NEG MYRISTICKA - One of the strongest & most powerful good luck & blessing charms you can get! In ancient times Mystics would drill holes in Nutmeg Pods & pour molten Mercury/Quicksilver into the Nutmeg (creating a "fixed nutmeg"). The charm was then carried around in people's money bags, purses, pockets, hung in mojo bags, placed near their business, rubbed on Money/Lottery Tickets/Court Documents, etc.. We now know that Mercury is extremely poisonous! Our Master Root Practitioners have created a way to make Lucky Nutmeg Charms without Mercury. A hole is first drilled into the Pod. Then the pods are filled with a special magickal blend of herbs that are poured in & sealed with wax & aluminum flakes. The herbal blend & aluminum act as a Mercury-ial substitute. Rub your Neg Myristicka with High John "The Conqueror" Oil on a Thursday to enhance it's vibrations. Grab a vial HERE.
Your Neg Myristicka will provide a HUGE burst of good luck & fortune into your life! Neg Myristicka's can also be inserted into our large spiral cages (usually used for Gemstones) & worn around your neck. Grab one HERE.
This is a Curio Item.