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Myrrh Resin

Myrrh Resin

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Myrrh Resin - dried, 1oz

With its smoky, earthy scent, Myrrh has a long history as a favorite among all cultures . A native to Ethiopia & Somalia, it's been used for as long ago as 3000 BC by the Egyptians in embalming & as an incense burned during cremations/funerals to perfume & preserve the body of the deceased. Myrrh is natural gum or resin extracted from a number of small, thorny tree species of the genus Commiphora.

Additionally, in Biblical times, Myrrh incense (often in combination with Frankincense) was burned in places of worship to help purify the air & prevent the spread of contagious diseases - including those caused by bacteria. One recent study found that burning Myrrh & Frankincense incense reduced airborne bacterial counts by 68%! Research suggests that myrrh can directly kill bacteria & stimulate the immune system to make more white blood cells, which also kills bacteria.

Myrrh Resin may be burned as incense for purification, exorcism, protection, healing, for funerary rites, connection with the dead & the underworld. Ancient Egyptians used Myrrh (along with linen & natron) to embalm the dead. The resin both perfumes & preserves the body of the deceased. The Ebers Papyrus (a document written around 1500 BC) contains over 800 medicinal formulas, many of which are based on a mixture of honey & myrrh. The antimicrobial & antioxidant properties of both substances are now known to science. Myrrh gum was used by the ancients to treat infection, bruises, skin conditions, & toothache. The Romans often added the oleo-gum-resin of myrrh to wine to create a narcotic to deaden pain. Wine laced with myrrh helped Roman soldiers endure the discomforts of military & Jesus was offered wine with Myrrh before his crucifixion for its pronounced analgesic effects.

The energy of Myrrh evokes both the dark ancient earth & the great black sea. Ritually, it is used to heal grief, nurture wisdom, & honor the dead. It encourage a sense of tranquility & serenity. The fragrance helps cope with loss & helps heal the body, mind, & spirit after devastation. Myrrh can lead to rich & rewarding meditations (especially introspection).

NOTE: If burned as an incense or offering you will need charcoal tablets & a fire proof container/metal incense burner. Grab some Charcoal HERE.